Risk Manager – Year Round Expertise on Staff
Prepare & Protect
We don’t sell insurance, we help you buy it. GCRM takes the annual renewal process off your desk so you get the coverage you need and at the lowest rates. Our low cost Certificate of Insurance Processing eliminates this clerical process and increases compliance. No inherent conflict of interest.
Contact UsYour turn key solution for shopping your insurance. GCRM is point of contact everything insurance related. You send all interested parties to your insurance advisor who does all the work on your behalf. Eliminate the grind of the renewal process. Eliminate the inherent conflict of interest with the independent voice.
Automate Certificate and Endorsement Collection
GCRM rolls up the sleeves and identifies your exposures to loss and takes the guesswork away. We develop proper limits and deductibles based on your risk tolerance. All qualified bidders recieve bid packet with same information for consistency and savings.
Controlled Process
No more drain on staff with insurance questions. GCRM completes all supplemental applications and fields broker questions so you can focus on your business.
Select Best Choice
Analyze all bids for best coverage terms and pricing so you make an informed decision.
Negotiate Rates
GCRM knowledge and experience will guarantee you obtain the best coverage, best pricing, and best carrier for your money. All savings go right to your bottom line.
Verify Policies
GCRM is not done. Once the new policies are received, GCRM verifies you got what you paid for. We check policies for limits, endorsements, mistakes and typos.